Ngetta ZARDI hosted us (students from Busitema University, Arapai Campus) FOR industrial training which started from 28th Feb to 22 April and completed well. This. written report has activities carried out during the training and these activities Covers all the chapter in this content and. the activities includes; Orientation. to. make the student know the area of the institute and to know various units within Ngetta ZARDI, orientation also helps a student to interact with their fellow students from other institutions and the staff as well before the start of the training. description of the attachment as stated in chapter two and the description is on Agroforestry which involved raising seedling in the nursery bed and planting of the tree, during the training we did Some activities under Agroforestry like mixing the soil, budding grafting and many others. Aquaculture is also one of the activity done during the training and under aquaculture We did slashing around the fish pond, adaptive research is also one of the attachment during our training and field marking and planting of the pigeon pea was also one of the activities I did during the training, livestock, horticulture, goat unit, germplasm, and dairy unit were among the attachment given during the training I also experience some challenges which include long distance limited cooperation among the students, poor time management lastly chapter explained conclusion and recommendation, I concluded that the industrial has been so beneficial to me and made me develop a lot of skill and knowledge in; budding, grafting, disease identification and horticultural training among others. In recommendation, the institute should renovate the remaining building like the crush, sparing race dip tank among others but this training made me gained a lot of knowledge and I have no doubt for any extension activities since I have been doing a lot at the institute.