Constraints to production of indigenous pigs in Kamuda sub county Soroti district.

Show simple item record Odongo, Isac 2022-09-24T12:09:06Z 2022-09-24T12:09:06Z 2015-09
dc.identifier.citation Odongo, I.(2015). Constraints to production of indigenous pigs in Kamuda sub county Soroti district. Busitema University. Unpublished dissertation. en_US
dc.description.abstract Constraints to the production of indigenous pigs in Kamuda sub county Soroti district were studied to generate, baseline information which can be used for future interventions in swine production systems, diseases & parasites control, extension service delivery and pig nutrition were among key areas studied. It was conducted in the parishes of Agora Kamuda randomly and Lalle &; Aminit with total number (100) respondents keeping pigs were selected. A structured questionnaire administered to farmers involved and, Data analysis was done using SPSS version 16 Statistical Software. The results found out that 43% of farmers (34-50 years old) kept pigs, 49% attained primary education with 54% growing crops for survived 90% kept <10 pigs, women owned less pigs 14% than their male counter parts 19% Indicating gender segregation; While the youth participation in piggery projects was least with only 1% and yet they comprise, the highest population which should highly participate in developmental projects. The study results indicated that feeding and nutrition is still a challenge with 2% & 41% of farmers relying on greens and kitchen leftovers to feed their pigs, with diseases and parasites preventive measures lacking 33%. 76% farmers had no extension and Veterinary services and this further contributed to high prevalence of diseases and parasites and the common disease syndromes and parasites encountered included; cough, vomiting, stuntedness, pot belly stomach, fever, labored breathing, loss of appetite and dullness were, among the conditions encountered. This indicated, prevalence of African swine fever and internal parasites in the area, though not backed by Laboratory evidence. Thus improvement in extension and veterinary services to give advice in better husbandry practice and encouraging adoption of improved breeds of pigs could greatly improve piggery production in Kamuda Sub County and youth participation in pig rearing is among areas that must be emphasized in Kamuda sub County. However, opportunities, exist with availability of ready market in Soroti town and Uganda as a whole due to the growing global demand for pork en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Dr. Walusimbi Emmanuel, Busitema University. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Busitema University en_US
dc.subject Indigenous pigs en_US
dc.subject Production constraints en_US
dc.subject Commercial farming en_US
dc.title Constraints to production of indigenous pigs in Kamuda sub county Soroti district. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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