This support system is not called upon to carry very heavy loads due to large wedge failures or to massive stress induced instability, but its function is to provide an acceptable level of safety for personnel and equipment in the mine.
From the experiments and site investigation carried out which involved a site specific risk assessment (SSRA) to assess the suitability of the selected support system, stability of the excavation and the adjacent ground conditions and structures; the necessary parameters for the design of a rigid timber/wood mine excavation support system were established,
These parameters included the Uniaxial Compressive Strength, Rack density, Size measurements and shape of the mine excavation.
Basing on the above findings, the mine excavation timber support system design key aspects were determined, i.e. rock load, load bearing capacity of the support system, applied support load and support estimations requirements. The support safety factor was determined based on the load bearing capacity of the support system, the rock load and the applied support load. The support safety factor greater than one is the basis to justify that the Area of influence is well supported and this ensures that there is no fear of roof fall, therefore it can be concluded that the rigid timber/wood mine excavation support system designed is adequate.
ANALYSIS: the analysis of the data obtained was done by plotting the graphs and chats to observe the behavior of the project results and AutoCAD was used to draw the support designs. DISCUSSION: the results obtained from analysis were then used to suggest the mine excavation timber support system design key specifications that will benefit the mine workers in pursuing safety during the mining operations.
Therefore, if the aforementioned findings are properly implemented, it will enhance the safety of small scale miners for Kitumbi-Kayonza Gold Mine Adit, Lubaali; Location: 36N 0358838, UTM 0083939: Elevation: 1237m.
As a recommendation, this Support system can be included in the numerical model for better understanding of the stability of the workings.