In Uganda today, the dispensing process is still a manual, long and an involved process. The
pharmacists in government health centers use counting trays or stock container lids to count the
medicine which is a time-consuming process susceptible to miscounting which could lead to
medication errors. Plus, the record keeping done by writing in books increases time patient spends at the counter. Usually they are faced with large numbers of patients to give medicine to.
Outpatients that visit these facilities end up spending long hours in line at the hospital sometimes
a whole day as they wait to be given their prescriptions from the dispensary. It is such an
inconvenience for both parties. Therefore, a system was developed that enables pharmacists do
their job effectively by making the counting process faster by using an electronic tablet counter
and auto generating dispensing records with the help of a record management system. This way
they do not have to do it manually. The dispensing records can be retrieved at any time in case
there is need for reports and auditing. The system also enables doctor to know what medicines are in stock such that either alternative is given to patient or he or she does not waste time in line only to find medicine out of stock. Generally, this all means less waiting time for the patients thereby improving the dispensing experience.