Determinants of household consumption expenditure among rural households in Sibanga sub county in Manafwa district.

Show simple item record Achen, Sandra 2022-06-16T15:27:12Z 2022-06-16T15:27:12Z 2022-05
dc.identifier.citation Achen, Sandra. (2022). Determinants of household consumption expenditure among rural households in Sibanga sub county in Manafwa district. Busitema University. Unpublished dissertation. en_US
dc.description Dissertation en_US
dc.description.abstract Many of the rural households in Sibanga Sub County, find it difficult to finance their consumption expenditures, including their other income generating activities due to the limited and uneven income levels of individuals. Low household incomes threaten to disrupt the achievement of the Uganda’s Vision 2030. This study is aimed to find out the Determinants of household consumption expenditure among rural households in Sibanga Sub County of Manafwa district. The study adopted a descriptive research design and focused on target population of 85households in the sub county. Questionnaires schedules were administered to a sample of 70 respondents selected among rural households. Households were separated by distance from the nearest urban center and selected using selective proportionate random sampling. The adult respondents, who were the heads of household, were selected purposively like teachers, health workers and the research tools administered. The primary data and personal observations were quantified and analyzed. Descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, percentages, was used for analysis of all quantitative variables. Multiple regression analysis was used to establish the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The results were presented in form of tables. The study concluded that household consumption expenditures are mostly influenced by determinants lie income levels, household size and the age of the household. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Mr Adaigo Masuud, Busitema University. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Busitema University. en_US
dc.subject Household consumption en_US
dc.subject Expenditure en_US
dc.subject Rural households en_US
dc.subject Determinants en_US
dc.subject Income levels en_US
dc.title Determinants of household consumption expenditure among rural households in Sibanga sub county in Manafwa district. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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