Petrol stations play a big role in the dispensing and retail sale of petrol, gasoline, diesel,
kerosene, gas to motorists and other mechanical machine users, these products are the
fundamental requirements for the operation of these machines. Managers and operators of
these stations often face challenges in terms of losses that are related with individual
management of stations leading to irregularities in pricing and dispensing rates.
The use of GSM in remote control and monitoring of systems is becoming a good tool in
ensuring that resources are controlled and monitored simultaneously and uniformly.
This project aimed at making use of this available platform and existing technologies to help
in remote control of petrol stations across the country and help reduce financial loss as well
as implement automation in the sector of petrol dispensing.
This project has been implemented by designing a hardware system that can be installed at each petrol station and all operations involving dispensing and billing are controlled through the microcontroller. Price and dispensing rate changing is effected through GSM technology in line with the remote administrator.