The presentation tools of choice used in Uganda over the years are the board and the overhead
projector. A person delivering a speech, lecture or other presentation to an audience frequently
invites members of the audience to offer commentary or ask questions. It becomes challenging for the big audience to raise their concerns to the presenter since to be selected, the audience member must first attract the attention of the presenter by raising his/her hand and then wait until he is availed with the chance to air out his/her concern.
This project therefore aimed at developing an interactive presentation platform that uses WIFI as
a means of interacting the presenter with the audience. The designed system uniquely uses java
script with an array of words to filter out vague messages from being displayed. The work is
arranged mainly in six chapters, chapter one includes the introduction of the project, chapter two
discusses the literature related to the system, chapter three illustrates the methodologies used in
coming up with the working system prototype, chapter four includes the system design and
analysis, chapter five contains the implementation and testing of the system and chapter six
contains summary of the work and recommendations