Radio frequency Identification (RFID) consists of the tags which can be either active or
passive tag. Passive tag, which I employed, do not have own power supply, much cheaper to
manufacture and small coil antenna is used. Basically, an RFID system consists of an antenna
or coil, a transceiver (with decoder) and a transponder (RF tag) electronically programmed
with unique information. RFID reader is an interrogator. It is placed at the toll gate on every
single row where vehicles are passed. The reader contains an RF module, which acts as both
transmitter and receiver of radio frequency signals. The reader generates the signal to receive
the data from tag.
The received signals are sent to the computer system which contains Graphical User Interface
(GUI) and the database of all users. The ID number from the tag checks with the recorded
database and deduces the toll balance. The computer and microcontroller are connected with
USB cable. So, the PIC microcontroller is very compatible for system. The microcontroller
displays the amount of deposits on LCD and the gate opens. The IR sensors sense the vehicle
presence for closing gate automatically.
User registration is achieved through the software part of this project. This has a database for
storing user information and for handling the various transactions. An administrator is
responsible for user registration and assigning RFID tag numbers to the user he registers.
Once registered, this information can only be tampered while updating balance otherwise; the
privileges are left entirely to the system owner.