This system is a combination of web as well as android application, where the user will be using
the android application and admin as well as employer will work with web application. This
application's meant for field work Employers" Most companies deploy employees to work in
fields far away from the main offices. An employee who is out of office premises is hard to
monitor and monitoring becomes extremely expensive; a company is at a risk of Josing
confidential information and unproductivity of unethical employees.
This system was developed to meet the main objective of an employer/manager being able to
easily assess his employees' call1ogs, message details, GPS location and browser histones
instantly on the web page.
This project utilizes the basic concepts of wireless communication technology between the
employees' app and the employer's website.
During my study, the mam pushing factors for this system was the problem of employees missing
work and claiming to have worked, on top of spending most of the entire working time on their
phones doing unrelated activities This system will also reduce the chances of an employee
misusing company resources and sharing the company's confidential information,
It was implemented using JAVA programming language, and the result was stored in SQLite
database. An object-Oriented Analysis and design (OOAD) approach was adopted which consist
of a well-planned iterative steps. Data was collected using document analysis and field Methods
and the application of relevant analytical methods like bar-charts were used to interpret the facts
collected The developed system IS able to increase productivity, reduce on costs and ease instant
access to employee attendance record.