This study has examined the sunflower production situation in the lower belts of Kapchorwa district. Three sub counties which include; Ngenge, Sundet, Kwanyi,and bunambutya were studied in which a number of issues were examined. The issues include use of quality and improved sunflower seed varieties, yield comparison of traditional and improved geed varieties, support services to small holder farmers; perception of producers on contract farming and opportunities and challenges in sunflower production. Focus group discussion complemented with interviews with households. and key informants were the main methods used in data collection.
Results revealed that both local and improved seeds are used, with improved seeds dominating. Local seeds selected by farmers at harvesting time whereas distribution of improved seeds involved a chain of actors such as Agricultural Seed Agency (ASA), Private seed companies, Agro-dealers, and selected farmers who produce quality declared seeds for distribution to other farmers. Estimation of yield indicated that generally improved seed have higher yield potential than local varieties by about 90%. Gross margins analysis revealed a clear difference between traditional. and improved seed varieties in which gross margins for improved seed varieties in all other sub counties were higher than for traditional varieties. Regression analysis indicated that significant factors influencing sunflower productivity include use of improved varieties, number of crops in farm, distance from homestead to farm and the age of household head. But it should be stated at this stage that more interpretation and inference from these regression results will be available at the second version of this report.
Discussion with stakeholders and personal observations across all surveyed sub counties revealed that farmers do not follow proper agronomic practice such. as timely planting during the season, plant spacing, use of modern inputs such as fertilizer and pesticides, improved drainage to avoid water logging, proper weeding, pest control, and timely harvesting. All these contribute to low productivity, Stakeholders asserted that extension service for sunflower farmers in the surveyed areas is inadequate or simply un available. Regarding marketing, it was observed that prevailing marketing arrangements of sunflower in the surveyed sub counties involve individual farmers selling sunflower seeds either processors (millers) or middlemen,
Following are recommended in order to improve sunflower sector in the lower belts of Kapchorwa:
1. One of the major setbacks in production of sunflower in the study areas is predominant use of local seed varieties. It is thus recommended that seed multiplication centers should be established under management of private business.
2. Farmers should have adequate knowledge and skills on basic agronomic and marketing skills in the sunflower sub sector.
3. It is recommended there is a need to carry out lobbying that would enable the government to change its mind set and emphasize on quality not quantity
4. Irrigation schemes should be comprehensive programmes to develop the sunflower sector
5. Soil testing should be done in. order to provide the information necessary to maintain optimum fertility.