Karamoja Christian Ethno veterinary Program is a Non-Governmental Organization operating in Nabilatuk and Lolachat sub counties. It. is composed of board of trustees, secretariats, field workers and communities. This organization undertakes a lot of activities that include use of Ethno veterinary drugs like Albizia anthelmintic for deworming, Animal health, poultry projects, Agro forestry, field work, evangelism and business development skills. The Organization intends to see that the indigenous knowledge of the Karamojong Agro Pastoralists of using local herbs is adversely used in order to promote improved health of the animals and re-establishment of the natives into a sustainable Agro pastoral communities. During my attachment period, I was involved in a lot of activities that involved: use of Ethno Veterinary drugs for Animal health for example use Albizia anthelmintic for deworming, extension activities for example visit of chicken farmers, fieldwork, office work, and community sensitization. However, in my efforts to fulfill animal, health activity which included treatment of animals, I found out that the major diseases that were, affecting these animals were: Anaplasmosis (LOPID) contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), East coast fever (E.C.F), however mature animals seemed to be a little resistant to some of these diseases compared to that-young ones which had a high mortality rate. These diseases could be possible to control only if the local herbs are used to completely eliminate tick multiplication by use of Ebuto other than the use of commercial pharmaceuticals and, the introduction of wazing systems in the area.