This report was compiled during my industrial training that lasted for 10 weeks in Busitema University Arapai Campus farm. The major purpose of this training is to fulfill the requirements needed for a partial fulfillment of diploma in crop production and management of BUAC and also to put theoretical knowledge got from class into practice.
We also participated in several activities like deworming, spraying cattle & goats against ticks and pigs and lice and mange. Weeding and spraying crops e.g., maize using chlobenzo 100% to control pest's army worms, fertilizer application on different crops such as tomatoes in green house and maize and also establishment of Nursery beds plus identification of diseases in both animals and crops with. the corresponding treatments.
In addition. to acquired skills and the knowledge in farm management, study diseases their course and control, I learnt on how to maintain hygiene on the farm, giving feeds to pigs at different ratio using different feeds.
In conclusion, the great experience and the skills I gained in the study have rendered me strength, skills and knowledge, above all appreciate the staff of Arapai campus for helping me to put theoretical knowledge into practice in both crops and animal management.
More work was done on identification of different breeds of animals, pasture management and record keeping.
I recommend the BUAC to bring in new breeds of goats and pigs, purchase of apparatus such as heart girth and tools such as hoes for easing the activities in the farm.