A review of the human resource management dilemma for SMEs :

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dc.contributor.author Mutumba, Raymonds
dc.contributor.author Basika, Elisa
dc.contributor.author Menya, James
dc.contributor.author Kabenge, Isa
dc.contributor.author Kiggundu, Nicholas
dc.contributor.author Oshaba, Brenda
dc.date.accessioned 2022-11-08T07:45:40Z
dc.date.available 2022-11-08T07:45:40Z
dc.date.issued 2020-12
dc.identifier.citation Mutumba, R. . . . [et al.] (2020). A review of the human resource management dilemma for SMEs: case of central Uganda. Art Human Open Acc J. 2020;4(6):253‒259. DOI: 10.15406/ahoaj.2020.04.00178 en_US
dc.identifier.uri https://doi.org/10.60682/vwej-5r51
dc.description Research article en_US
dc.description.abstract The increasing interest in human resource practices is driven by the hypothesis that employees and their management are critical to the success of an organization. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) contribute significantly to several countries’ economies in terms of gross domestic product, employment fraction and exports. Human resource management (HRM) on the other hand plays a pivotal role in the growth and survival of SMEs if systematically understood and implemented in these businesses. As such, this paper aims to analyze factors that affect successful HRM and implementation in small and medium enterprises. Our findings demonstrate that SMEs need to make an effort to close the gap between demand and supply of labor for them to be able to compete with larger firms in the market. We conclude that the factors that affect human resource management are mainly due to the internal organization of these businesses and if HRM is properly implemented, it almost guarantees sustainability and competitive advantage of small firms. An “employee retention model” was formulated which can be used by SMEs to guide the retention of employees hence reducing staff turnover. Keywords: human resource management, small and medium enterprises, employee retention, internal organization en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Makerere University, Busitema university. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MedCrave en_US
dc.subject Human resource management en_US
dc.subject Small and medium enterprises en_US
dc.subject Employee retention en_US
dc.subject Internal organization en_US
dc.title A review of the human resource management dilemma for SMEs : en_US
dc.title.alternative case of central Uganda. en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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